SIESTA was adopted !!! She lives in DC with the Sheehy Family and is the only pet and
is loved .The family promises that if she ever needs us ,they will call us and we will be there .
No greater love can be given than someone that takes an older dog and loves them on site and
this is what happened .
We miss you Siesta ,we also fell in love ..yet we know that where you are ,you will have all
you need .
Thank you to the Sheehy mom and dad that so freely took this beautiful girl and gave her a
home ...Thanks !
Updated January 15th ,2007
This is Siesta .Siesta was found hurt in Md and there treated at an Emergengy Clinic .No one claimed
her ,so a woman that worked there paid for it and took her home with her .Later the family moved to Florida .
With a full time job and with other occurances the Family could no longer provide for Siesta ,so
they called NAMCR and placed her with us on the 16th of September ,2006 .
Siesta is about 2 to 3 yrs old .
At this time she has an ear infection and ear mites .
She is currently being treated for ear mites ,these will be gone in a few weeks .
We will start taking aplications on Siesta in about 2 weeks ,once the ears are better and she is
okay from the surgery .
Siesta Qualifications
No children under the age of 10
No other animals
Please get in touch to adopt Siesta for futher information .
We believe Siesta to be a Westie/Poodle Cross .
We were told she was a maltipoo ,however she is a Westie /mix ..